Anxiety Treatment for Moms in Oregon and California
Anxiety Sucks.
Are you that mom that looks “ok” to the outside world, but on the inside you are completely falling apart?
You’re going about your day, checking the boxes, but realizing that you aren’t really there.
Perhaps you’re consumed with worry about safety, cleanliness, making healthy meals, and you can’t seem to relax into motherhood at all.
Maybe you worry that you are neglecting your relationship with your partner because there just isn’t enough time in the day to focus on the kids AND the other person who needs you too.
You may be finding that you are way less productive at work than before you became a mom and you can’t find your focus, no matter what you try…
Perhaps you’re feeling like there is no way you will be able to do everything you did before AND be a mom.
It’s all teetering on the edge of collapse.
Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:
You feel disconnected from your partner and your friendships
You feel utterly lost and disconnected from yourself and who you used to be
You’re being pulled in so many different directions, you can’t find your focus
It may feel impossible now, but you can discover yourself again. You can find your focus. You find relief from all the worry.
It will feel like freedom, and I can help you get there.
Anxiety therapy helps you do 4 things:
learn how to meet yourself exactly where you are and nourish yourself without guilt and shame.
allow you to discover yourself again and separate from the overwhelm that has defined your journey through motherhood thus far.
Make that feeling of anxiety that you are so familiar with your informant and NOT your captain.
respond to the stress and uncertainty in your life in new ways, not with the old patterns that are so ingrained right now.
I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to anxiety comes from a place of compassion and understanding: knowing that your anxiety doesn’t define you as a mother; you can move through motherhood with competence and calm both outside and inside.
Anxiety doesn’t have to be what drives you to get shit done.
Most of my clients that experience anxiety can say that they have had symptoms that have been kept at bay for a long time. Typically, clients will have a low level of anxiety that feels manageable until something creates stress that then increases their level of anxiety to a point where it no longer feels quite manageable. At its worst, the anxiety permeates every aspect of their lives. It can be experienced as racing thoughts that they feel unable to quiet, the need to try to control everything and everyone, physical symptoms of heart palpitations, stomach upset, and fatigue and the list goes on. The reaction to these uncomfortable feelings can then prolong the experience landing you in a cycle that feels impossible to break.
First thing you can expect is that you will still be you. The parts of what makes you who you are, will remain and even be enhanced.
The short answer to the question of will I not care anymore is no. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
In therapy, you will learn what really matters to you and put your energy into the places where it counts. We’ll find the areas that bring healthy motivation for you and identify the patterns and fuel that are not serving you. You will be fueled by inspiration as opposed to the panicky feeling that drives you right now.
The first order of business when we begin therapy together, is to get you feeling better. If you are experiencing physical symptoms of anxiety, perseverating thoughts, constant worry, or panic attacks that are keeping you from your daily functioning, I am going to give you concrete tools and strategies to reduce the immediate symptoms that you are experiencing. Once you are seeing improvement, we can shift from the WHAT is happening, to the core of WHY it’s happening. We will clarify the areas of your life that are most impacted by your anxiety and create goals for our work together based on your desires. Sessions will look different every time as we may be working through the lens of your current circumstances or your past experiences to bring you closer to your goals. Therapy for anxiety could be the key to unlocking your truth to move you forward.
Reach out and schedule your free 30 minute consultation. We will meet online via HIPAA compliant video platform and I will answer any questions you have about the therapy process, how I might be able to help you with your specific situation, and any other details that will determine how we move forward. I’ll walk you through each step with personalized attention.
Absolutely not! The beauty of Telehealth and Online therapy is that you can be anywhere in the states of Oregon or California, or BOTH! In Central Oregon? No problem! In Los Angeles? YEP! Beaverton and surrounding areas? YAAASS!