Practice Updates!
Helllooo!! I am so excited that the big yellow ball in the sky has begun to show itself in Oregon 🌞. Being originally a California gal, I long for the days of summer. I grew up as a swimmer and enjoying summers at the beach, so for me, the sun brings with it nostalgia of childhood and the joys that come with sunshine ( yay for vitamin D!).
I ❤️ sunshine!
I thought I would take a moment to give you all some updates from Nichols Counseling!
Biggest news is that I am now licensed in California!
What this means is that not only can I see clients who reside in Oregon, but I can also see clients who are in California… whoop whoop! One of the great things about my practice serving clients online via telehealth is that I get to see clients who may not physically live within a short driving distance of me.
If you would have asked me pre-pandemic if telehealth therapy was a good idea, or even preferable, I had my reservations. With Covid however, we were pushed in the direction of providing services in this way and while it was an adjustment at first, I can say without a doubt that I have found telehealth online therapy to be equally effective and for many, much more accessible.
Seeing moms in all stages of their motherhood journies, my clients are typically super busy, super scheduled, and oftentimes running from one activity to the next. Sometimes they are working their lives around nap times, drop offs and pick ups and getting to eliminate the barriers to in person therapy allows for them to actually take the time for themselves to come to sessions every week.
Therapy is the highest form of self care, in my opinion.
But I digress!
I am so thrilled to open up my practice to mamas throughout the state of California and continue to see Oregon mamas too!
My co-therapist Ozzie continues to provide “snoring” support during sessions 🤣 ( is that even a thing?)
Lastly, construction has begun on my sweet outdoor office shed!
I am looking forward to seeing clients online from my comfy curated therapy space!!
View from my kitchen window!
I love that my practice is expanding and evolving as I continue to grow in my work.
What has your evolution looked like lately?