In a world full of influencers, how can you ever feel like enough?
Social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with friends and family, but it can also be a source of stress and anxiety, especially for moms. With the constant flow of images and messages portraying perfect motherhood, it's easy to feel like you're not doing enough or not measuring up.
As a psychotherapist who works with moms, I often hear about the struggles they face when the reality of #momlife doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the images and stories they they are seeing on Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook (I think it’s just us older moms on the ol’ FB!).
Here are 5 things you can do right now to allow social media to work for you, not against you.
Let’s be real. Mom-ing is hard. We all have our moments when it’s all going well, and the moments (or even days, weeks, or years!) when we can’t seem to get our footing on this whole mom-ing situation.
Recognize the Reality of Social Media
The first step in feeling like you are enough as a mom with social media is to recognize the reality of social media. Remember that social media is not real life. The images and messages you see on social media are often curated and edited to present an idealized version of motherhood. In reality, motherhood is messy, complicated, and imperfect. Amirite??!!
2. Limit Your Exposure to Social Media
Limiting your exposure to social media can also help. Consider setting boundaries for how much time you spend on social media and when you use it. For example, you could set a limit on the amount of time you spend scrolling through your feed each day or avoid using social media during specific times, such as during meals or family time.
3. Curate Your Social Media Feed
Curating your social media feed can help you focus on the accounts and content that allow you to feel encouraged and supported. This means unfollowing accounts that make you feel inadequate or triggered and following accounts that promote positivity and self-acceptance. Surround yourself with content that uplifts and inspires you, rather than bringing you down.
4. Practice Self-Compassion
Practicing self-compassion is essential when it comes to feeling like you are enough as a mom with social media. Remember that it's okay to make mistakes, and motherhood is a journey that involves ups and downs. When you're feeling overwhelmed or triggered by social media, take a moment to practice self-compassion. This could mean saying kind and reassuring words to yourself or engaging in a self-care activity, like taking a bath or going for a walk.
5. Seek Support
Finally, seeking support can also help you gain a sense of grounding and community when it comes to how hard it is to be a mom. Talk to other moms in your community who may be experiencing similar struggles or reach out to a psychotherapist who specializes in working with moms. Remember that you're not alone, and there's no shame in seeking support when you need it.
How has social media impacted your motherhood journey? What are your favorite social media accounts that uplift and inspire you? Comment Below 👇👇 { Let’s get a list of your favorites!}